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Before you stand up, make sure you straighten up.

We've all been told how to bend or lift safely but when have we ever been shown how to get up correctly from the floor, bed or chair?  These simple instructions can be the difference between triggering a back strain or staying strong and stable.

Many of us lean forward as we begin to stand from the floor, bed or chair. This is often done to gather momentum to help us get up and makes the movement feel easier.  The reality is, however, that this motion makes your back muscles work much harder than they should (and, in most cases, harder than they can) because they're working against gravity to support more than 65% of your weight. Instead of risking those muscles as you stand, straighten your back straight above your waist with your core activated BEFORE you get up.  You will then be ready to use the strength of your legs (push through heels and mid-foot) to raise your body off the chair, bed or floor.  It may feel like more effort - and it will be for your legs - but if you follow this simple rule you'll greatly minimize the risk of back strain and be on your way to MOVING SMARTER and LIVING STRONGER.

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